In high school, I knew what I wanted to be… a paralegal. I never wanted to be a lawyer (even though I’ve been told I’d make a good one), I just wanted to be the person behind the lawyer.
I got sidetracked by marriage, motherhood and all the things that come along with trying to find your level when things don’t go quite the way you planned. But 10 years out of high school, a lawyer took a chance on me – despite the fact that I had ZERO legal background. Being at the front of a courtroom terrified the shit out of me, but making sure that the person who was, was prepared and had everything they needed to do their job well, lit me up like a Christmas tree. I loved it. I got to meet and work with some truly amazing people, make a difference in peoples’ lives and feel like what I did mattered. I am really proud of the paralegal I managed to become.
And then, things changed around me. Because that’s what life does, and you have flex and flow and adapt. I feel like I did pretty well, overall ..… until I didn’t anymore. The profession that had fed my soul started sucking it dry. It no long
er held the appeal or purpose it once had. I felt less and less like I was making a difference. Burn out snuck up on me …. and then it beat me over the head.