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Found In The Wild


You've found yourself a Tiny Treasure in the wild! 

You now have a little handheld piece of art!

Each Tiny Treasure is made by melting (fusing) glass together using a kiln, which is a slightly complicated oven. I have three and I affectionately refer to them as dragons (you can meet them here:  Dragons' Lair).


**Please note, some Tiny Treasures may be small enough to pose a choking hazard**

Where in the Wild?

We (the dragons and I) would love to know where and when you found your Tiny Treasure! 

You can also send a photo of your Tiny Treasure to 

How did finding it make you feel?
Meh. It was cool, but whatever.It made me happy.It made me feel special.It absolutely made my day.

I found a pretty little paw print on the Carnival Dream in December of 2023


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